Case 1: When we don't care about the args

Now that we've learned how case statements work in Bash, we're better able to interpret the next line of code:

    -e* | -- ) break ;;

This is the first block of our case statement.

Breaking out of the for-loop early

In the earlier list of bullet points, I mentioned that "A pattern can have special characters." This clause is an example of the use of such special characters.

We see two patterns (-e* and --), separated by the | character, then terminated by the ) character. If the current argument in the iteration matches either pattern, we exit the for-loop (i.e. we break). Otherwise, we check the next clause in the case statement.

In the above link, the asterisk * is listed as one of the "special characters" available in Bash case statements:


Matches any string, including the null string.

This makes me suspect that any text starting with -e (followed by zero or more characters) would fit the -e* pattern. To find out if that's true, let's do an experiment.

Experiment- the -e* flag in a case statement

I write the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

for arg; do
  case "$arg" in
    -e* ) echo "Pattern matched on arg $arg; exiting..."
    break ;;
    * )
      echo "arg $arg does not match" ;;

echo "outside the for loop"

This is a simplified version of the original case statement. It iterates over the list of args, and does the following:

I then run the following in my terminal:

$ ./foo bar -ebaz buzz
arg bar does not match
Pattern matched on arg -ebaz; exiting...
outside the for loop

The script tells us that our first arg did not match, and then prints "Pattern matched on arg -ebaz; exiting...". The last thing it does within the loop is skip the third arg "buzz". This is because -ebaz starts with -e, which matched the break condition of -e*.

After it exits the loop, it prints "Outside the for loop" to prove that break'ing only terminates the iterations of the for-loop, as opposed to the entire script.

Next, I run the same command, but I pass -e instead of -ebaz:

$ ./foo bar -e buzz   
arg bar does not match
Pattern matched on arg -e; exiting...
outside the for loop

We see a similar result, even when the arg we're trying to match is just -e by itself, with no subsequent characters.

Based on this result, we can safely say that we were correct, and the -e* flag returns true if a given string starts with -e and has zero or more characters after.

So now we know what the shim does when the -e and -- flags are passed. But why are these flags considered special?

Ruby's -e flag

Since this case statement clause is located inside the if-block which ensures that $program is equal to ruby, we know that the -e flag is intended for use with the ruby command:

if [ "$program" = "ruby" ]; then

To figure out what the -e flag actually does, I run ruby --help and searched for the -e entry.

As it turns out, this flag lets you execute Ruby code directly in your terminal, without having to pass a filename to the Ruby interpreter:

$ ruby --help           
Usage: ruby [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]
  -e 'command'    one line of script. Several -e's allowed. Omit [programfile]

For example:

$ ruby -e "puts 'Hello'"

So passing Ruby code directly to the ruby interpreter in your terminal (via the -e flag) is one of the two scenarios which will cause RBENV to assume that any subsequent args are meant to be positional args, not flags to the ruby command itself.

The -- flag

The 2nd pattern which could cause this same behavior is --. To tell us why, StackOverflow saves the day again:

...a double dash (--) is used in most Bash built-in commands and many other commands to signify the end of command options, after which only positional arguments are accepted.

Example use: Let's say you want to grep a file for the string -v - normally -v will be considered the option to reverse the matching meaning (only show lines that do not match), but with -- you can grep for the string -v like this:

grep -- -v file

The above post tells us that everything before -- is meant to be a flag, and everything after that is an argument to the script itself.

This clause, as well as the conditions it matches (-e* or --), imply that everything else which comes afterward is an argument that tells the ruby command what to process, not a flag which tells the script how to process it.

Wrapping Up

In the discussion above, I restricted my sources of information to those which are publicly-available via Google. However, in full disclosure, back in 2019 I actually posted a question on the RBENV Github page asking why this if-block was necessary, and why it was only activated if the program being run was Ruby. A frequent contributor named to the codebase Jason Karns was kind enough to reply in detail, and taught me a lot about the shim file with his response.

I hesitated to include the above link in this chapter because I want to encourage my fellow aspiring 10x'ers to answer their own questions first if possible, and only post questions to a repo in this manner if all other options have been exhausted. However, I decided to err on the side of transparency and share this issue, in the event that Jason's answer will fill in any blanks that the above explanation left.

Let's move on to the next block of code.