Adding dots of sauce to a plate of food.
Adding dots of sauce to a plate. Photo attribution here.

In my deep-dive write-up of how RBENV works, my first step was to find out where (i.e. in which file) the command's logic lived. It turned out that it lived in a shim file, which in turn lived inside the ~/.rbenv directory. But I didn't explain what the ~/.rbenv directory is, and more specifically, why it starts with a . character.

This post will try to answer that question, i.e. why do some files and directories start with a dot?

Dotfiles and dot folders

In UNIX, there's a convention whereby the names of files and folders which are meant to be hidden from view by default are prefixed with a dot. Unsurprisingly, these are called "dotfiles" or "dot folders".

When I say "hidden", I mean hidden from the ls command. For example, the following is the contents of my laptop's home directory, according to the regular ls command (passing the -l flag to list one item per line):

$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 richiethomas  staff    96 Dec  4 14:18 Applications
drwx------+ 35 richiethomas  staff  1120 Jan 10 12:08 Desktop
drwx------+  4 richiethomas  staff   128 Dec 27 22:02 Documents
drwx------+ 50 richiethomas  staff  1600 Jan  8 19:23 Downloads
drwx------@ 92 richiethomas  staff  2944 Jan  7 11:56 Library
drwx------   4 richiethomas  staff   128 Dec  4 15:42 Movies
drwx------+  4 richiethomas  staff   128 Dec 30 21:11 Music
drwx------+  4 richiethomas  staff   128 Dec  4 14:02 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+  4 richiethomas  staff   128 Dec  4 14:02 Public

But there are actually many more files in this folder. To view them all, we have to add the -a flag to our previously-run command:

$ ls -la
total 240
drwxr-x---+ 36 richiethomas  staff   1152 Jan 10 12:23 .
drwxr-xr-x   5 root          admin    160 Dec  4 14:02 ..
-r--------   1 richiethomas  staff      7 Dec  4 14:02 .CFUserTextEncoding
-rw-r--r--@  1 richiethomas  staff  10244 Jan  5 22:24 .DS_Store
drwx------+ 33 richiethomas  staff   1056 Jan  9 13:52 .Trash
-rw-r--r--   1 richiethomas  staff    348 Dec  4 15:04
drwxr-xr-x   3 richiethomas  staff     96 Dec 23 11:48 .bundle
drwx------   3 richiethomas  staff     96 Dec 19 18:15 .cups
-rw-r--r--   1 richiethomas  staff     36 Dec  4 15:07
-rw-r--r--   1 richiethomas  staff    373 Dec  4 15:07
drwxr-xr-x@  4 richiethomas  staff    128 Dec  6 08:47 .gem
-rw-r--r--   1 richiethomas  staff    203 Jan  9 14:16 .gitconfig
-rw-------   1 richiethomas  staff   5082 Jan  8 17:36 .irb_history
-rw-------   1 richiethomas  staff     32 Jan  9 14:38 .lesshst
drwxr-xr-x   4 richiethomas  staff    128 Dec 13 14:24 .local
drwxr-xr-x   5 richiethomas  staff    160 Dec 29 16:59 .npm
-rw-------   1 richiethomas  staff   1082 Jan  7 21:17 .python_history
drwxr-xr-x  18 root          staff    576 Jan  9 14:11 .rbenv
drwx------   7 richiethomas  staff    224 Jan  1 17:40 .ssh
drwxr-xr-x   3 richiethomas  staff     96 Jan  8 19:21 .texlive2023
-rw-------   1 richiethomas  staff  23757 Jan 10 12:23 .viminfo
-rw-r--r--   1 richiethomas  staff    440 Dec  4 15:09 .vimrc
drwxr-xr-x@  5 richiethomas  staff    160 Dec  4 14:54 .vscode
-rw-r--r--   1 richiethomas  staff     43 Dec  4 15:11 .zprofile
-rw-------   1 richiethomas  staff  36003 Jan  9 14:20 .zsh_history
drwx------  48 richiethomas  staff   1536 Jan  9 14:20 .zsh_sessions
-rw-r--r--   1 richiethomas  staff   1018 Jan  7 12:18 .zshrc
drwxr-xr-x   3 richiethomas  staff     96 Dec  4 14:18 Applications
drwx------+ 35 richiethomas  staff   1120 Jan 10 12:08 Desktop
drwx------+  4 richiethomas  staff    128 Dec 27 22:02 Documents
drwx------+ 50 richiethomas  staff   1600 Jan  8 19:23 Downloads
drwx------@ 92 richiethomas  staff   2944 Jan  7 11:56 Library
drwx------   4 richiethomas  staff    128 Dec  4 15:42 Movies
drwx------+  4 richiethomas  staff    128 Dec 30 21:11 Music
drwx------+  4 richiethomas  staff    128 Dec  4 14:02 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+  4 richiethomas  staff    128 Dec  4 14:02 Public

Ignoring the fact that my dotfiles are a lot less organized than they could be lol, we now see all the dotfiles and dot folders in my home directory.

What is an rc dotfile?

When you install RBENV from source, one of the steps you have to take is "(c)onfigure your shell to load RBENV". You do this by updating a certain file in your home directory to include a certain command. For the Bash shell, this file is ~/.bashrc. For the Zsh shell, this is the ~/.zshrc file.

We see from the filenames that both of these files are dotfiles. But what is the significance of the rc at the end of these filenams?

When you open a new terminal tab or window in Zsh (the now-default shell for Macs), one of the first things that happens is that Zsh runs a few setup scripts. One of these scripts is that ~/.zshrc file. This file is where you'd put configuration options that you'd want to run on every new terminal tab or window. The same is true for Bash's ~/.bashrc file.

There are other setup scripts which get loaded as well, such as ~/.zshenv. But ~/.zshrc is the one I interact with most. Zsh will run these scripts in a specific order, and there are conventions around what you should put in each file.

Other shells have similar rc files (ex.- Bash has ~/.bashrc). The rc in .zshrc stands for "run commands" or "run control", depending on who you ask.

Experiment- preventing files from being deleted

Hidden files are helpful in preventing accidental deletion of important data. Let's test that out now.

I create a temporary directory named foo/, and create two files inside of it:

  • a hidden file named .bar
  • a regular file named baz
$ mkdir foo
$ touch foo/.bar foo/baz
$ ls foo
$ ls -a foo
.	..	.bar	baz

Then I run rm ./foo/* and hit the y key when prompted for confirmation. Lastly, I re-run ls -a foo:

$ rm ./foo/*
zsh: sure you want to delete the only file in /Users/richiethomas/Desktop/Workspace/temp/./foo [yn]? y
$ ls -a foo
.	..	.bar

We see that the file baz is now gone, but the hidden dotfile .bar is still there. So yes, it appears that adding a . prefix to a file can prevent it from being accidentally deleted.

But what if we really do want to delete our dotfiles? We simply add a dot before the * symbol. To demonstrate this, I'll create a 2nd dotfile named .baz, and then delete all the dotfiles in my foo/ folder at once:

$ rm foo/.*
$ ls -a foo 
.	..

As you can see, the foo/ folder is now truly empty- no more dotfiles.

Wrapping Up

That's a very basic introduction to dotfiles. For a much deeper dive into how dotfiles are used in a professional environment, check out this guide from thoughtbot.

Photo Attribution

Title of Photo: Unknown

Description: n/a

Author: Unknown

Source: PickPik

License: CC0 1.0 Public Domain